
Tartinijev trg
Tartinijev trg

the beautiful oval-shaped main square, with a statue of the famous violinist Giuseppe Tartini. This was once the marina, but after it silted up it was paved over with white stone.

Church of St. George (Cerkev sv. Jurija)

The inside is quite beautiful. Nice view of the city and harbour from the belltower.

Sergej Mašera Maritime Museum
Cankerjevo nab 3
+5 671-0040
9AM-12PM and 6PM-9PM, Tu-Su during July and August; 9AM-12PM and 3PM-6PM, Tu-Su, the rest of the year.

Has several exhibits that tell the story of Piran's maritime history and culture.

Venetian House

The red building on Tartinijev trg, is a fantastic example of gothic Venetian architecture and the oldest building on the square. Built by a rich Venetian merchant to house his mistress, spot the inscription between the upper windows: it says Lassa pur dir, or "let them talk".